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A close-up photo of am emperor gum moth caterpiller with very cute hairy feet

A kettle and a coffee maker on the gas stove in the cabin


General things happening around home and family.

Yet another sunset like so many other sunsets


All the posts with photos... basically most of them.

A grinning Josephine Fahy at the start of the Hawkes Bay marathon back in 2017


Running that I've done or that I dream about doing.

Marie in a bee suit holding in front of some active hives


Things and stuff about bees.

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A very pretty sunset over a creek in Kaeo, New Zealand
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Josephine Fahy

| 30 seconds to read

All down my veins my heart-strings call

There's not a lot of content here. None, in fact. It is just a fancy 360 photo of the summer sun setting over the creek. Taken with my drone above some pretty scared goats!

Terracotta flower pots filled with colourful flowers
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Josephine Fahy

| 2 minutes to read

As long as stars are above you

If I had to pick one word to describe the first half of this year, it would be unexpected.

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